
Hotel As per definition, hotel is an establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travellers and tourists, but when we are on a holiday it becomes much more than a place to stay, it becomes the most important part of the trip, thus having a good hotel is as good as having a good trip. Keeping this in mind we provide the best of the available hotels fitting all budgets and ranges. We after doing our check and balances regarding all hotels that we suggest, give you the option to choose from, thus making your trip one of the most memorable part of your life.


As far as flights are concerned we focus less on cost and more on value. We at Luxottica Holidays help you find not necessarily the lowest price tag but the one which add the value to your trip, an airline which gives you least hassle and maximum saving. Our flight suggestion would be such that it would have least impact on your enjoyment and help you having a happy trip. Be it Domestic or International we'll walk you through the options that may not sound cheapest but end of the day would reduce your overall expenditure. To discuss this more please feel free to contact us.

Visa Assistance

A right consultant for Visa would not only smoothen the process but also fasten it up. He would not only guide you accurately regarding the specific requirement for a particular destination but also charge you less, thus we are the ones to help you with complete visa assistance. From filing of application form to helping you with documents and all the procedures, our experts are there to assist you at every step. With years of experience in the trade we assure that you’ll get your visa quickly.

Travel Insurance

As they say precaution is better then cure, and travel insurance is that precaution that can help you avoid lot of stress and inconvenience. Be it trip cancellations, medical expenses, flight accident, loss of luggage, and various other losses incurred on the trip, travel insurance covers it all. On a minor premium you are sure that even if something goes wrong on a trip be it domestic or international,() Travel Insurance is there to help you come out of it. It not only minimize the risk of major loss, but also gives you a peace of mind to relax and enjoy your trip. Please contact our experts for various options in Travel Insurance.

Corporate/ Group Tours

Travelling in a group – with family, friends or colleagues – is a great way to experience new places. We have extensive experience in planning, organizing and executing custom tours for small and large groups. You can expect huge discounts, dedicated venues and exclusive events when you have group tour with us. Luxottica Holidays help you benefit from the economies of scale that allows you to enjoy the best of hotels and travel arrangements at competitive prices. Feel free to contact us for more details.

MICE/ Corporate Events

Be it Seminars, Conferences or Executive Retreats/ Incentive Programs or Product Launch Events we are the ones who not only plan and organizes the entire event, but ensure that it’s a special one that is remembered for a long time. We do make sure that each and every detailing is done keeping in view that we are representing the company itself. Thus during the event we build upon the company's strengths while building employee confidence, goodwill, and morale. During events we try to put in small exercises to help employees come along together as a stronger team. Please contact us for a hassle free, meticulously planned and worth remembering events.

School Outbound Trips

School trips are one of the most prominent learning tools that help to enhance the social, personal and emotional development of students. While it is a break for students and teachers from the daily routine, it also ensures an increased bond between all the participants. It gives them an opportunity to understand a variety of learning techniques. This learning helps them not only in their school life but also in their professional life. With us this whole experience becomes a fun activity. our specially designed tours provide ample opportunities to learn and showcase several qualities such as leadership, team player, planning, work under pressure and so on. These outbound trips could be a single day trip or a 2-3 days trip depending on the exposure we want to give to the students. Please contact our experts for more inputs.